Research Projects

The Reality Deck – Immersive Gigapixel Display is a unique visualization facility, located at the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology of Stony Brook University. Supported by the National Science Foundation and Stony Brook University, the Reality Deck is the world’s first immersive gigapixel resolution display, offering more than 1.5 billion pixels. The product of years of research and engineering, the Reality Deck facility’s goal is to break barriers in data visualization and help scientists deal with the challenges presented by the massive datasets of today and tomorrow. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

3D Virtual Colonoscopy employs advanced visualization techniques for imaging the mucosal surface of the colon. It involves a technique for automatically generating a flythrough animation along the inside of the colon, as well as interactive navigation of inside colon. This is a joint project with researchers in the Radiology department at SUNY Stony Brook. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

Stony Brook Immersive Virtual Reality Environment with its fully immersive visualization environment, the wireless and camera-based gesture and user trackers, the wireless input and sketch devices, the precision surround sound, as well as the hardware that drives it, will greatly enhance our present research agenda in visualization, human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality, and computer vision. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

O-buffer. Contact Ari Kaufman for more details.

Urban Security. Contact Ari Kaufman for more details.

Amorphous Phenomena Visualization. Contact Ari Kaufman for more details.

Stony Brook Visual Computing Cluster. Contact Ari Kaufman for more details.

General Purpose GPU. Contact Ari Kaufman for more details.

The Cube project primary goal is to design and implement a special-purpose volume rendering accelerator for high-resolution volumetric datasets. Cube-4 is a very modular and scalable architecture that exploits parallelism and pipelining to achieve real-time performance for 256 3 datasets. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

Flight Simulation deals with the representation and realistic visualization of three-dimensional (3D) objects in terrain scenes using a volumetric (voxel-based) approach, called volume graphics. The focus has been on real-time retargeting using volume graphics. We have been developing a system for modeling photo-realistic voxel-based synthetic objects in terrain scenes, stationary or mobile, coupled with mechanisms for generating perspective views to support fly-by capabilities. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

A Dynamic Approach to Face Recognition. Contact Klaus Mueller for more details.

Volume Graphics deals with the underlying mechanisms and systems for the synthesis, manipulation, and rendering of 3D geometric models represented in volumetric form. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

BrainMiner is a 3-D visualization tool for the investigation of functional relationships in the brain. It provides ROI-based statistical analysis, representation, and discovery of human brain functions. Contact Klaus Mueller for more details.

OpenVL is a modular, extensible, and high performance library for handling volumetric datasets. It provides a standard, uniform, and easy to use API for accessing volumetric data. It allows the volumetric data to be laid out in different ways to optimize memory usage and speed. It supports reading/writing of volumetric data from/to files in different formats using plugins. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

VolVis is our very own comprehensive volume visualization package. It is freely available to non-for-profit organizations in source and binary format for several architectures. There is a small fee for for-profit organizations. It is currently in version 2.1. Contact for more details.

Volume Deformation investigates physically based realistic manipulation of voxel-based objects formedical applications. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

Volume Sculpting developed a free-form interactive modeling technique based on the concept of sculpting a voxel-based solid material, such as a block of marble or wood, using 3D voxel-based tools. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

PVR (Parallel Volume Rendering) is a system for interactive volume visualization of large datasets in parallel and distributed enviroments. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.

Eye Tracking involves the development of an inexpensive eye movement controlled user interface for 2D and 3D interaction. Contact Arie Kaufman for more details.